100K Wellness Campaign Donate

20th March 2020

Like many organisations and business at the minute, charities are feeling the financial impact of Covid 19 already.

That includes us. Small charities like us around the country face very challenging times and possible closure.

Sunflowers has been around since 1986. Three years ago we survived the biggest cut to NHS voluntary sector budgets in a generation, when the NHS funding we received for over 30 years, came to an end. We are determined to do everything in our power to survive this crisis and to remain one of Liverpool’s vital charitable services.

We have written to the Mayor and registered the charity to help out in the City’s efforts to contain and beat coronavirus.

We will continue to do what we can to support our local communities as best we can.

But we will need help ourselves at some point soon, to keep the charity viable.

You can help us.

As ever we are grateful for any donations you can make. You can donate in a number of ways through our website.

We know we are not alone in feeling the financial pinch right now so if you can’t donate, you can support us helping us reach people who need us. We will be relying heavily on social media during this time. By LIKING our page and SHARING our posts it helps us to raise our profile and reach new people.

And a reminder to finish, that although our centre is closed to face to face services, we will be posting live videos here including exercise and relaxation to help you stay well at home.

If you have any queries our telephone lines are open today until 3pm 0151 726 8934

Keep an eye on our page and stay connected.

The Sunflowers Team