Tier five: Produce

From: £300.00 / month

Donor Benefits:

  • A wellness hamper (valued at £100)
  • A page in our Business Directory
  • Your logo on our homepage with a link to your website
  • Headline sponsor at one public events (value £350)
  • Therapy room (value £1200)
  • A homepage banner advert for your business
  • £100 per month (£1200 annually) in joint Google Adwords advertising
  • A Sunflowers Wellness consultation for you or your business and program for a team of 10 people (valued at £1000)
  • 25 Free wellness classes (value £500)
  • 12 x Counselling sessions for staff or personal use (value £1200)
  • 6 dedicated blogs or news items on the Sunflowers website linked back to your website (value £600)


  • Enhances comfort and safety while supporting the operational costs of maintaining a safe environment.
  • 1x New Massage Bed Package (£1000)
  • £400 pays for a full day of care in Sunflowers for an average of 30 rehabilitation exercise places, 10 massages and 15 sessions of counselling
  • £500 pays for a well-being retreat for groups of 12 over a month to help with managing life after a diagnosis of cancer
  • 12 months worth of complementary therapy (meaning?) room offering 310 appointments (4k)
  • The packages align with the campaign’s purpose of securing the future of Sunflowers and providing three years of patient treatment for a specific number of people.

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Sunflowers cost £12000 a month to offer 1200 appointments to vulnerable people in Merseyside living with Cancer or Long-Term diagnosis and their loved ones.

  • £20 would provide a therapeutic massage for someone with pain from a condition.
  • £50 pays for a cancer support group where 40 people can have tea and talk about their life.
  • £100 would pay for 10 sessions for a person in counselling coping with a diagnosis.
  • £200 allows us to open on an evening and Saturday morning to help people who are well enough to return to work but still need that support.
  • £250 would pay for a monthly lunch for 50 people coming together who may be finding anxiety through isolation with the after-effects of the pandemic.
  • £400 pays for a full day of care in Sunflowers for an average of 30 rehabilitation exercise places, 10 massages and 15 sessions of counselling
  • £500 pays for a well-being retreat for groups of 12 over a month to help with managing life after a diagnosis of cancer
  • £1000 would pay for a new massage bed to replace our old ones.
  • £2000 a month allows us to open the doors, heat the building and ensure people come to a safe environment on their journey back to full health.
  • £8k for a complementary therapy room offering 720 appointments throughout the year.
  • £16k per room – annual Counselling costs per room – 1440 appointments over 48 weeks
  • £23k for all exercise

Additional information


Monthly, Yearly